Friday, November 13, 2009


Friday the 13th November, 2009

Well this seems like the correct day to confess that I am superstitious. My mind is constantly chiding me for my "ridiculous and childish" beliefs. Still let someone spill the salt and I instinctively throw a protective bit over their left shoulder. I know it seems crazy but I can not help myself. I was raised in the deep south where the black women who cared for me taught me many of their ancient beliefs.

Here are some of the superstitions related to natural disasters. The sound of church bells during thunderstorms can protect those within hearing. A black cat which boards a ship is good luck for those aboard and will keep the waters safe. If a cat suddenly runs about wildly clawing at things then a big wind (tornado or hurricane) is coming. A fern kept inside your house protects it from damage from thunder and lightening. A solar eclipse warns of a future natural disaster. A conch shell in your home protects from natural disasters. Dogs and cats can predict earthquakes and will desperately try to get outside.

I believe a good way to consider superstition is as a fragment from a long ago belief system. Of course, we don't live in the same world as when these values were held. We don't have a complete record of the wisdom ancient people lived by. Still, at least for me, when certain omens occur it seems like an echo coming to me from the distant past. I feel like a must respond to it it with the respect it once received.

Additional evacuation advice available at

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