Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Anniversary To Us!

Wednesday November 4, 2009

Tomorrow is my 32nd wedding anniversary. I can't believe it. It is difficult to imagine how our years together have flown by so quickly. If I was able to survey the wedding guests from that long ago ceremony, probably most of them would also not be able to believe it but for entirely different reasons.

I will admit that there wasn't a lot of evidence that two such different people could possible make a marriage work. I was a quiet bookworm and he was a car/motorcycle speed demon. All of these years later I have still never been on a motorcycle and he, to the best of my knowledge, has never read a book (NOT EVEN MINE)! Life is a wondrous strange journey and sometimes the long shot wins.

In the marriage category I know that I did. I not only have longevity; I still have love. You don't have to take my word for it. I have proof. Everyone is aware of the care I take in selecting the possessions I will evacuate with me during a disaster. On my top 10 evacuation list are two things associated with my marriage ceremony. One is the oil portrait which was my wedding gift to my husband and the other is our album of wedding photographs. Two out of ten or twenty per cent of my critical evacuation list dedicated to items from our wedding. In my world that is proof of love.

Perhaps you have been reminded of a special something from your own big day which you would hate to lose in a disaster? If so, please add it to your written evacuation list immediately and congratulations for also being lucky in love. I will be very busy tomorrow. I intend to get my hair done, pull on a pair of spanxs, hide my husband's eyeglasses, take him to a dimly lit restaurant, and hope he sees a glimpse of the 21 year old bookworm he married.

Additional evacuation information available at

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