Friday, November 6, 2009

Countdown to the Holidays!

Friday November 6, 2009

Here are some numbers which will cause anxiety for most women in the country. There are 20 days until Thanksgiving, 35 days until Hanukkah, and 49 days until Christmas. Yes indeed the holiday countdown has started. When I was young (long, long ago) people waited until the day after Thanksgiving to begin holiday shopping and decorating. This is no longer the case. Now preparations seem to start as soon as Halloween is over. I think this is because our lives have become more complicated.

There is one suggestion I have to make your holiday shopping a bit easier. You should consider giving that hard to buy for person on your list something that they don't have and definitely need---evacuation supplies. Of course you should start with my book The Wine and Chocolate Evacuation Plan. The book has an attractive pink and white color which appeals to women and can be combined with a nice box of chocolates or bottle of wine to make a lovely and thoughtful gift. If you are the artistic or crafty type you could place all of the items in a pink basket and tie a white snowflake ornament on the top. When the person receiving the basket thanks you for being so original and clever I give you permission to pretend like it was all your idea.

Additional evacuation information at

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