Monday, November 23, 2009


Monday November 23, 2009

Here we are in the fourth week of November, the week in which we celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States. Most people immediately think of food when Thanksgiving is mentioned--the turkey, dressing, cranberries, pies, etc. The close association of food to this particular holiday is only to be expected. After all the pilgrims had been starving before they got some help from the Indians and managed to produce a decent crop. Still, I like to think that the Pilgrims were full of gratitude as well as food. We have come a long way since that small band of starving, struggling Pilgrims. Food is a lot easier to come by so what do we have to be grateful for?

There is so very much for each of us to give thanks for. When I reflect on the past year one of the things I am most grateful for is that I was able to get The Wine and Chocolate Evacuation Plan finished and published. I am happy that I have had an opportunity to speak with many different groups and prepare them for evacuation. I appreciate the support, feedback, and evacuation stories which my readers have sent me. All of your comments, both positive and negative, have helped me to refine my information and hopefully get better. So let me start the week of Thanksgiving in gratitude for all of the good people I have met while promoting my book. I am thankful for you.

Additional evacuation information available at www.wineandchocolate

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