Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Sensitivity of a Shark

The Sensitivity of a Shark

Wednesday October 14, 2009

I have long been fascinated by animals and how their behavior changes before a natural disaster. I have wondered if animals possess an inherent ability to sense weather changes which is absent in humans? Perhaps we also have this innate wisdom but have forgotten how to listen to it.

Sharks are a good example of animals altering their behavior prior to a natural disaster. Scientists are now conducting studies on tagged and monitored sharks which prove what fishermen have always known. Sharks (and other fish) move from shallow waters to deeper waters with the approach of a hurricane.

A shark oil barometer is still used in Bermuda to predict an approaching hurricane. The oil is extracted from the liver of a shark (usually a Puppy shark caught between June and September) by hanging the liver up in the sun. The collected oil is placed in a clear glass bottle and then strung up outside. The shark oil is checked daily for any changes.

Oil Clear = Normal Conditions
Oil Cloudy = Stormy Weather
Oil Milky White = Hurricane

I guess sharks really do have a sensitive side!

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